City Hall Closed 2-19-25
We are sorry for the inconvenience but we will be closed today so that we can keep our employees safe. We will be open on Thursday. Everyone please stay in, stay safe and stay warm.
We are sorry for the inconvenience but we will be closed today so that we can keep our employees safe. We will be open on Thursday. Everyone please stay in, stay safe and stay warm.
Due to the inclement weather and to keep everyone safe and warm the meeting for tonight has been canceled. We will post a new agenda once we can reschedule. Thank you and stay safe and warm.
Due to the ice and snow and dangerous temperatures expected to arrive early on Tuesday the 18th the decision has been made to cancel service on Tuesday and Wednesday. Trash service will resume Thursday. If you regular day is Friday then it will resume for you on Friday. This is for the safety of our … Continued
February 11 2025 election information
February 11, 2025 will be the election for Mayor and City Council. Anyone interested in running for one of these positions needs to come to City Hall and pick up an election packet. Filing for office will be at the County Election Board on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
On December 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. the City will hold a Special Council meeting for a Public Hearing on the 2025 Budget. This hearing is held so that any interested member of the public can attend and speak if they so desire. 2025 Budget Notice
Last night council approved a trash rate increase that will be going into effect in the October billing. The city has operated financially in the red for decades in this area and can no longer subsidize this expense. The rate was increased from $24.00 to $36.00, if you would like to talk to someone about … Continued
The cold weather couldn’t be coming at a worse time this week for trash pickup. We are closed Friday and Monday for Christmas. With the temperatures in teens and below and with up to 50 mph winds I cannot consciously send our sanitation guys out in that miserable weather. Therefore, please put your trash out … Continued
Ward 1 – Wednesday, January 4th Ward 2 – Wednesday, January 11th Ward 3 – Wednesday, January 18th Ward 4 – Wednesday, January 25th
Please be sure to include the 4-digit code after your zip code. This will help to ensure that the City receives its sales tax on retail sales and that it does not go to Oklahoma City. If you are not sure what 4-digit code you need to put after your zip code, you may contact … Continued