Archives: FAQs

Can I burn tree limbs and leaves on my property?

Warr Acres Municipal Code 8.16.350 prohibits open burning unless a pre-burn site inspection is conducted by the Fire Chief and a burn permit has been issued by the City. To inquire about a burn permit contact the Fire Chief.

What is the sales tax in the city?

The sales tax in Oklahoma is regulated by the Oklahoma Tax Commission.  Currently the Oklahoma tax rate is 4.5%, and the Warr Acres city tax rate is 4.0%. When added together the total tax rate for retail sales is 8.5% For items that are delivered the sales tax is calculated based on the delivery location. … Continued

How do I get a passport or renew a passport?

Obtaining a passport can seem like a difficult process.  However, if you read information provided on the Oklahoma County Court Clerk’s Passport Office page, it may help ease the burden.  Passports can also be obtained at several locations throughout Oklahoma as well as some can be renewed by mail.  More information as well as the … Continued

How does Warr Acres surplus city property?

The City ordinances and state laws dictate how the City is able to surplus or dispose of City owned property.  The City Council approves items to be declared surplus, and they are listed on the PublicSurplus web site.  Anybody can sign up as a user on and bid on the surplus items. Check back … Continued

How do I get a vehicle out of impound?

For numerous reasons the Police Department or Code Enforcement may impound vehicles throughout the City.  If your vehicle was impounded by the Police Department you must obtain a vehicle release prior to recovering your vehicle.  To obtain the vehicle release the owner of the vehicle must bring the following to the Police Department: Original title … Continued

How do I report my electricity being off?

If your power goes out, be sure to report your outage to OG&E.  Warr Acres has no control or input as to which areas have power restored, or in what order. You may report your outage online by logging in to your OG&E account or by calling 405-272-9595. OG&E has customer service representatives are available 24/7 for … Continued

How do I find Warr Acres ordinances (municipal laws)?

Ordinances are municipal laws passed and enforced by the City.  These include building code, health and safety, traffic, criminal, animal and several other types of municipal laws.  These laws are passed by the City Council and codified and posted online in a searchable and printable format CLICK HERE to view the current municipal ordinances.

How do I register to vote?

Voting in the State of Oklahoma is handled by the Oklahoma State Election Board.  To register as a voter or update your registration visit the Oklahoma State Election Board web site  CLICK HERE

Do I need a permit to have an outdoor fire?

Warr Acres Municipal Code 8.16.350 prohibits open burning unless a pre-burn site inspection is conducted by the Fire Chief and a burn permit has been issued by the City. To inquire about a burn permit contact the Fire Chief.

How do I obtain a building permit?

Many construction projects including plumbing, electrical, fence, storm shelter and others will require a permit from the City. The company doing the work may also be required to have a City of Warr Acres license.  If you have a construction project contact City Hall for a project review to determine if a permit or inspection … Continued

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